
National Sandwich Day

Sunday November 3rd

Because food tastes better between bread!

11:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Kalihi Roots: New Brew Release!

Sunday November 3rd

Monthly on every first Sunday

The Kalihi Roots small batch series of experimental brews takes us back to our roots as homebrewers. It reminds us to take pride in where we all started: in our kitchens, brewing off-the-wall concoctions and making a mess! Every month we will be serving just 40 pints of each special release brew. These brews are on tap only. Go back to your roots: visit us at Kalihi Beer and get something one of a kind to drink... before the keg is empty!

03:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Homebrew Meeting

Saturday November 9th

Monthly on every second Saturday

HIP (Homebrew In Paradise) Fermenters Hosts monthly meetings to discuss and share their homebrewing adventures. If you are a Homebrewer, you should definitely check out one of their meetings! 

Check out their Facebook group for more info:

06:00 PM - 09:00 PM